November 25, 2011

spidey man.

POW!!! BANG!!! ZAAM!!!
Superhero lingo and their theme songs are prevalent around these parts for the past couple weeks.
Good thing that I scooped up this batman sweater and the spiderman costume from a Yard Sale last month since these two clothing items have made up George's wardrobe day after day after day.
Looking through my pics of the last two weeks and Spiderman has clearly been around the town.
The shoulder pads in the spiderman costume remind me of a 1980's woman's power suit!

Spiderman, Spiderman.
 Friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out! Here comes Spiderman!

...and on and on the song goes in my head, even when he stops.