December 30, 2011

rewind a little and reminisce some more. {christmas part two}

The route between Ellicottville and Milton/Oakville is travelled back and forth many times when we are home for a visit.
With my family when we are all together (which is much of the time) there is constant noise and chaos.  This is inevitable with the amount of children and adults conversing under one roof and with many of these family members having voices that would not be considered soft and quiet.
This is something we all are used to and love. Well, I think Travis is used to this by now!
Then we drive away from my family, and head to Ellicottville to see Travis' family. We have 3 hours to decompress and look forward to our next visit.
And it could not be more opposite. 
I love this little ski town and the quiet that comes with living on top of the hill above it.
It is just Travis' parents, George, and Travis and me. 
We sit. We talk. Drinks are poured. Conversations are completed. I even have a nap on the couch.
Stepping outside and walking through the woods and all is silent. That magical feeling when snow if drifting down and you are alone in a white winter wonderland.
It is such a great balance to have as we drive back and forth between our two families.
The one thing I have realized is although both families are quite different, what we have in common is the most important...our families are so important to us and we love them so!
Some Ellicottville pics...