There have been so many sweet sayings that George has come up with that I don't ever want to forget. My favorite is when he tells me "That makes my heart smile".
I'm not sure how George came up with that one, but he also has many other versions of this...
"Mom, does that make your heart sad?" after I get upset with him for doing something wrong.
"Mom, does that make your heart happy?" when we are laughing about something. And my absolute favorite was when he said "You make my heart smile".
I wanted to remember that sweet little quote, so a few weeks ago George helped me pick out some felt colors, I cut them out and glued onto some fabric and put it behind this old frame. Not quite sure what to do with it or where to put it but it does make my heart smile when I see it.
A few other things that have made his heart smile this week have been doing some valentines projects.
Baking gluten-free sugar cookies that could pass for "normal ones"...
Making "salt dough" valentines. Now these are non-edible, not to be confused with my gluten-free cookies!
I found a link on this website and using the recipe of just flour, salt, and water we made the dough. Using stamps and red and pink stamp pads we had some fun stamping away.We have a few strung around our house and I think they'll make some sweet little tags to go along with the cookies.
Just a few things this week that have made our hearts smile!