April 27, 2012

so far, so good.

We couldn't get enough of the sun and the water today.
Pushed aside some of my 'to dos' and packed a picnic and headed to the beach instead.
Brought a book to read but didn't even get a chance to turn a page as there were waves to chase, treasures to dig up, and castles to build.
The salty sting of the water on our legs, the sweetness of the watermelon dripping down our chin, and the warm, gritty sand between our toes couldn't feel any better.
Upon arriving back home, we couldn't stay under the roof for too long, the sun was beckoning us to the backyard.
Flowers were planted, lemonade was poured, and the hose was turned on for an afternoon just as lovely as the morning.
What a lovely way to start the weekend!