July 22, 2012


Seven years ago I lay awake in bed, in my old room at my parent's house. My best friend Leigh sleeping on the couch beside me, my body awake, unable to sleep due to the many thoughts swirling around in my head.  The night before my wedding.  Thinking about 'tomorrow'.
That night I was filled with excitement that the next day Travis was going to become my husband,  I was so happy to become my best friend's wife.  I was thinking about my dress hanging in the closet, fitted and ready to be worn by a bride.  Butterflies flitting around in my stomach hoping all the details would fall into place, and above all so excited to see all of our family and friends in one place that were going to share in the joy of our marriage.
And tonight,  I will lie awake again. 
This time with my husband beside me.  A love and friendship and partnership so much stronger today than I thought possible seven years ago. 
I will lie awake once again, thinking about tomorrow.

Tomorrow we finally get to meet you.
Tomorrow I will hold you in my arms.
Tomorrow we will finally find out if we have another son or a daughter.
Tomorrow George will begin his role as a protective big brother.
Tomorrow I will anxiously await the sound of your first cry.
Tomorrow my dream of having another child will come true.
Tomorrow your Dad and I will celebrate being married for seven years with the greatest gift one could ever receive.
Tomorrow I will feel an overwhelming sense of gratefulness to your Tante Kristina.
Tomorrow I will get to kiss your sweet little nose and full lips that I have loved to examine from your ultra sound.
Tomorrow I will feel the vulnerability one feels when holding a brand new infant.
Tomorrow I will wish that all your 13 cousins, 4 tantes, 5 uncles, Opa, Grammy and Pappy were closer to come and visit you.
Tomorrow I will be thankful that Oma is here.
Tomorrow I will touch those arms and legs that have been kicking and squirming inside my belly.
Tomorrow we become a family of 4.
Tomorrow my heart will be filled with love for you.
Tomorrow I will hold you.

And so tonight, I thank God once again for you. For this amazing journey of life. For you, my little miracle.  Tonight I will enjoy the kicks and rolls of you inside me, knowing that I will meet you tomorrow. Never have I been so excited for tomorrow.