About a minute after this photo was taken, my phone was hidden away by Vincent, lost for about 24 hours while Travis was out of town. Thankfully it was not flushed down the toilet, the fate of another toy, removed by the plumber today, only after he removed our toilet from the floor.
So here is proof that this mother here has committed a great 'faux pas' and given her one year old an iphone to serve as babysitter.
I took this photo this week after an afternoon at the beach. George was home all week from school for Thanksgiving vacation and what a lovely week it was! We had some fun outings to a museum, the beach, and some play dates but the most fun was just being at home with these guys. Vincent just loved having George home and I was so surprised how great they played together hour after hour and there was only one of these 'zone out and become immersed in technology moments' that had to happen so I could regain some sanity. I may have also guzzled a glass of wine each night at dinner just to carry me through bedtime...
It has been on my mind lately to get all of my weekly portraits of the boys documented on here. I have continued with the photos for the most part and I cannot believe that there are only four weeks left of 2013. It amazes me to look back through the weeks and see the changes and even recall the very moment I took the photo. It really has been a special thing to do. I look forward to developing these weekly photos into hardcover books at the end of the year, my favorite type of coffee table book.
So four weeks left of 2013, let us enjoy each one of them!