January 4, 2012

hello 2012. i'm happy you're here!

Today George and I walked to the beach, soaking up the sun and cooling our toes in the sea.
While G tried to make snow balls with the sand and chased the sea gulls away from our picnic using his 'spidey powers', I had the chance to sit and reflect upon this past year. 
I am so blessed in my life to say that every year really is a wonderful one. Filled with happiness and love and hope that not everyone on this earth is able to experience. Although there have been days this past year that have been more trying than others, the days where life is going down a path that I didn't anticipate or didn't want, I know that I have much to be grateful for.
To feel safe, to be loved, and to have hope in the future are aspects that I know are easy to take for granted. How blessed we are that we don't even have to worry about these things on a daily basis.
So as I think about the new year I don't think I'll make up any 'resolutions' to add to a list. I'll just continue to embrace these days, wherever they may lead...